Petaluma Egg Farm Adopts Range Energy's Electric-Powered Trailer System

Key Highlights:

  • Petaluma Egg Farm adopts Range Energy’s electric-powered trailer system (ePTS) for its California operations.

  • Initial pilot shows up to 70% fuel efficiency improvement over long-distance and city routes.

  • Range’s ePTS enables reduced diesel consumption and emissions by powering TRUs in electric mode.

  • Smaller-engine tractors paired with the ePTS significantly cut down on the company’s carbon footprint.

Notable Quotes:

“Range’s trailers are a future-proof investment for our fleet operations, and allow us to continue making a positive impact on the environment, our customers, and the Bay Area.”

Jordan Mahrt, Owner at Petaluma Egg Farm

“The fact that Petaluma Egg Farm purchased our trailer system following a pilot demonstrates that the financial and environmental value of our ePTS is obvious as soon as fleets get their hands on it.”

Ali Javidan, CEO and Founder at Range Energy

Our Take:

The adoption of Range Energy's electric-powered trailer system by Petaluma Egg Farm reflects a growing shift in the logistics sector towards sustainable practices without compromising operational efficiency. With up to 70% MPG improvement, the integration of Range’s technology demonstrates the potential for scalable solutions that reduce carbon emissions while offering substantial cost-saving benefits. This move not only enhances Petaluma Egg Farm's environmental goals but also sets a precedent for smaller fleets looking to modernize sustainably.